Neogrid’s stock code is NGRD3 and is only traded on B3.
To invest in shares from Neogrid or any company, you must contact a stockbroker. The list of stockbrokers operating in Brazil is available on the B3 website, where you can obtain additional information.
Neogrid’s share capital includes a total of 228,523,689 shares and 40.6% of the total is available in the market, above the minimum level of 25%, in accordance with the best practices provided for in B3 Novo Mercado’s rules.
Subject to the provisions applicable in the Brazilian Corporation Law, each shareholder has the right to receive a minimum mandatory dividend, in each fiscal year, not less than 25% of the net income for the same year, adjusted under the terms of article 202 of the Brazilian Corporation Law.
Our shareholders are also entitled to receive additional dividends and other earnings of any nature that may be distributed by resolution of the general meeting or by the Board of Directors, as applicable, that the company may declare.
The bookkeeping of Neogrid’s shares is conducted by ITAÚ CORRETORA DE VALORES S.A., responsible for servicing shareholders in its branches throughout Brazil. Account holders can obtain their stock position through Internet Banking / Home Broker / My Account / Nominal Assets Query.
Shareholders who have shares deposited in B3’s fiduciary custody, through a stockbroker, should contact their respective broker to obtain information about their stock position, as well as updating their registration data.
In order to optimize all the advantages provided by book-entry shares, it is up to the shareholder to keep their registration data up to date, communicating to ITAÚ CORRETORA DE VALORES S.A. any changes in their address or bank account for earnings credit.
Neogrid’s Investor Relations team is available to assist the company’s shareholders through the channels below:
- Email:
- Phone: +55 (47) 3043-7400
Periodic and occasional information is also available on the Company’s Investor Relations website, that can be accessed at
The Company also provides information through:
- Earnings Calls
- Investor events, including annual public meetings with investors and analysts